If you love Ragdolls you have come to the right place!
My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two
February 24th 2023 Blog Post 89 Silver Vine Cat Nip Twigs
I got them some silver vine and cat nip twigs/sticks bumper pack for them last week, and it was a great hit. Tom and Leo and Jack in particular, loved it, rubbing themselves all over them and fighting over them. Charlie enjoyed a good chew of the sticks, but he does not react to cat nip, and sliver vine like the others do, which is funny. But some cats don’t react to it apparently, it is to do with genetics. It kept them busy for 20 minutes anyway, and then bits of twig were strewn over the landing.
Got annoyed later on when I was trying to sort out some clothes that I am selling on Vinted, and I got cross when I couldn’t find the sellotape and may have said a few choice words while I was frantically searching for it, and they were cowering as crazy mummy was chucking stuff out of drawers and cupboard. Then they were playing with my Pritt Stick glue top while I was trying to stick labels on packages and got a bit irritated with them! Bless. They only want to join in, and they are so curious they want to know what I am doing ALL THE TIME!