Famous Cats From Literature, TV, and Film and Cat Theme Novels

Mrs Norris and Cruickshanks from Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling

The most famous cats from the Harry Potter series. Who can forget the funny squashed face of Cruickshanks and his unrelenting pursuit of the rat Peter Pettigrew in The Prisoner Of Azkaban and Mrs Norris always on the look out for what trouble Harry is getting into at Hogwarts!


Garfield our favourite orange coloured feline who loves lasagne!

Top Cat

Do you remember Top Cat? He lived on the streets of New York city in the 1960s. He was a clever hustler who along with his friends, Benny the Ball, Choo Choo, Brain, Fancy-Fancy and Spook, were always falling foul of Officer Dibble!

Tom (Tom and Jerry)

Good old Tom and Jerry! Who did you route for? I just wanted them to be friends.

Tom Kitten – Tales of Tom Kitten by Beatrix Potter 

Beautifully painted from the books by Beatrix Potter. Tom the tabby cat was a naughty little scamp but had a sensible mum to look after him.

Jones from Alien

I was so happy that Jones made it out alive of the Nostromo in the film ‘Alien’ (along with our kick-ass heroine Ripley of course)

Cat from Breakfast at Tiffany’s

‘Cat’ as he was known was nearly lost for good in the film ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s but thankfully Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly rescued him from the rainy alley way at the end realising she did actually care about him (and so she should!)

Puss In Boots

Just look at those eyes! Puss in Boots was the swarthy mischievous hero from the Shrek movies voiced by Antonio Banderas

Mog by Judith Kerr

Mog is the beloved creation of author Judith Kerr.

Salem from Sabrina

The wise-cracking Salem was an essential character of the ‘Sabrina the Teenage Witch’ TV show

Spot from Star Trek Next Generation

I love Star Trek and I love the character of Data and he had a very friendly ginger cat called Spot who although was not in the series very often, when he was he stole the scene.

Mr Bigglesworth from Austin Powers

I must admit I never seen Austin Powers (its not really my cup of tea) so I was a bit taken aback when I found this pic for this page. What a funny looking cat!

Felix the cat from Felix adverts

Remember the Felix adverts from the 90s and 00s? I must admit, I would not give Felix food to my cats but they have sensitive tummies so they need the more expensive cat food!

The Aristocats

Classic Disney movie from 1970 (yes it is that old). I have pyjamas with them on.

Blofield’s cat from Russia with Love 

Its shame this beautiful cat does not have a name. Still memorable though. Its shame it is owned by the bad guy

DC from That Darn Cat

I have not seen this film but that looks like a chatty cat!

Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus

Another witches cat, of course they have to be black but remember black cats are not bad!

Sassy from Homeward Bound/The Incredible Journey

I loved this movie when I was younger. I am not sure but I think Sassy is a Ragdoll. She sure looks like one.

Vito’s cat from Godfather

My brother’s favourite film. Again its not my cup of tea, but it has a cat in it!

Fat Louie from Princess Diaries

Bit of a naff film but I like Louie. He looks very cuddly.

Goose from Captin Marvel

Love this cat from ‘Captain Marvel’ and he is no ordinary cat. He should have his own movie.

Smelly Cat from Friends

Technically there was no specific Smelly Cat that Phoebe was singing about but I think it counts (and there was a cat in her music video)

Snowball from the Simpsons

Good old Snowball part of the crazy Simpsons family.

Sylvester – Looney Tunes

Sylvester James Pussycat Sr.


Bagpuss classic TV show from the UK, circa 1974

Mrs Chippy- Ernest Shackleton’s Diaries

I bet you have not heard of this cat. She was mentioned in Ernest Shakleton’s diaries. He was an explorer who took the ship Endurance on an almost fatal journey to the Antarctic in 1915. Mrs Chippy was the ships cat who belonged to Harry McNish the ship’s carpenter.

Cheshire Cat  Alice in Wonderland By Lewis Carroll

The Cheshire cat – very creepy looking if you ask me.

Cat Novels

The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Haruki Murakami 

The story surrounds a cat called Nana who is on a road trip with her owner Satoru in Japan.

Mrs Murphy and Pewter mystery novels by Rita Mae Brown

Mrs. Murphy Mysteries is a long-running book series where the stories focus on a postmistress named Mary Minor “Harry” Haristeen, and her tiger Mrs. Murphy, a dog named Tee Tucker, and a grey cat named Pewter.

Cat in the Hat by Dr Zeuss

Children’s classic of Cat in the Hat who steps in on the mat, bringing with him mayhem and madness!

The Cat Who mysteries series by Lilian Jackson Braun

The stories of feline detectives Koko and Yum Yum 

Cat in the Stacks mysteries By Miranda Jones 

Charlie Harris is the kind librarian with a rescued Maine Coon cat named Diesel that he walks on a leash in the town of Athena, Mississippi. 

Old Possums Book of Practical Cats by T.S Ellliot

T.S. Eliot in the 1930s composed the now famous poems about Macavity, Old Deuteronomy, Mr Mistoffelees and many other cats, under the name of ‘Old Possum’. 

A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen

When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change

Dewey a Small Town Libary Cat the Changed the World by Vicki Myron

This is the  charming story of Dewey Readmore Books, the beloved library cat of Spencer, Iowa.

The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford

The labrador, the old bull terrier and the dainty Siamese cat set off on a perilous journey through the wilderness to reach their owners.

Nala’s World by Dean Nicholson

When 30-year-old Dean Nicholson set off from Scotland to cycle around the world and on his travels he did not expect to meet a cat he names Nala and they forge an unbreakable bond

Sam the Cat Detective By Linda Stewart

Apparently a clever, well-done mystery with a “cat” of characters (ha ha)

Cat Stories by James Herriot

Stories include: Buster, the kitten who arrived on Christmas; Alfred, the cat at the sweet shop; little Emily, who lived with the gentleman tramp; and Olly and Ginny, the kittens who first appeared at the Herriots’ house in the worldwide bestseller Every Living Thing.

Casey by Joyce Stranger

Farm life becomes exciting when Casey strikes up a strange friendship with Sultan, a Jersey Bull.

A Cat Called Alfie by Rachel Wells

Edgar Road is a typical London street, full of people who barely say a word to one another. Then Alfie comes along who changes the lives of every family he meets bringing a community together.

Felix the Railway Cat by Kate Moore 

When Felix arrived at Yorkshire’s Huddersfield Train Station as an eight-week-old kitten, no one knew just how important he would become.

Simons Cat by Simon Tofield

Simon was given his first cat when he was nine and now has four rescue cats, who are the inspiration for his work.

Paw Tracks in the Moonlight by Denis O’Connor 

When Denis O’Connor rescues a three-week-old kitten from certain death during a snowstorm, little does he know how this tiny creature will change his life forever.

Iris Grace by Arabella Carter-Johnson 

Iris Grace who suffers from autism seems trapped in her own world, unable to connect with those around her until she strikes up a friendship with their new Maine Coon kitten.

Pusheen by Claire Belton

 The internet’s favorite chubby tabby cat.

Alfie The Doorstep Cat by Rachel Wells

Alfie finds himself  homeless and and abandoned after his elderly owner passes away. Then he stumbles onto Edgar Road and finds his new home

Casper the Commuting Cat by Susan Finden

Casper became a national celebrity when newspapers ran the story of the unusual cat who regularly took the No. 3 bus on journeys around Plymouth.

Making the Rounds with Oscar by Dr David Dosa

Oscar lives on the third floor of a nursing home in Rhode Island, USA and has the uncanny ability to predict when one of the residents is going to die!

When Fraser Me Billy by Louise Booth

 Billy the rescue cat purred and laid his paws on Fraser, a complex child with special needs and they have been inseparable ever since the first day they met.

Cats in the Belfry By Doreen Tovey

Doreen Tovey tells the story of her first Siamese kitten.

The Cat and the Pendulum by Mandy Morton

Stories of the cat detective due of Hettie and Tilly.

The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natsukawa

When Rintaro loses his grandfather it seems to be the end of the shop but then Tiger appears to asks him for help.







