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My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two
18th Sep Blog Post 147 Poorly
Apologies I did not post on Friday. Has been a bit of a rubbish week. I have been a bit under the weather with an infection. Then poor Tom and Jack have been poorly first with both having a tummy upset and then Tom having a poorly eye!
Tom and Jack had runny bums from Sunday to Tuesday, and I realised they had worms! Stupid mummy had forgotten to give them the preventative worm treatment for a few months. I must admit I should have thought about the risk of worms as they are always eating grass and stuff in the garden so they must have picked it up out there. I gave them all some Panacur which is good stuff and after 24 hours Tom and Jack were back to normal thankfully.
Then poor Tom had a poorly eye which was runny and sore. I took him to the vet on Friday and the vet said it was likely a simple conjunctivitis and prescribed him some eye drops for five days. I am having fun trying to get those in his eye! He really does not like them.
The vet trip was a bit traumatic for him. He cried all the way there, all the way back in the car and while we were in the waiting room. In the vet’s clinical room he was okay and as good as gold when the vet put the stain in his eye to examine it. He did not even flinch. When I try to put the eye drops though he wriggles and closes his eyes and makes it really hard work! I am hoping I have managed to get some of it in! It does seem to be getting better so fingers crossed. Lets hope this week is a bit more healthy for all of us!