My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Three

15th April 201 Movie Night Part 2 

It was a bit of a restless night with both of us fidgeting. Boyfriend said Jack was there most of the night on his feet so it was uncomfortable for him! However, in the morning, it was Leo there instead and Jack had moved to his comfy bed in the spare room. At about 3AM Charlie jumped onto the bed and was sitting on my chest and boyfriend said he was whispering to Charlie to let me sleep and not wake me up but Charlie was not budging! His purr was very loud like a little motorbike. Eventually I did wake up and saw Charlie there. Eventually I gave up trying to sleep and got up. Left boyfriend in bed to sleep a bit more. The boys all followed me downstairs for a while but Tom did go back upstairs to watch boyfriend in the bed as if waiting for him to get up as well. After I had had a bath and got dressed I went downstairs and then sorted their breakfast. I heard boyfriend get up and go to the guest bathroom and then I heard him say ‘Tom is in the bath!’ I was carrying their bowls of food (I usually feed Tom, Leo and Jack upstairs and Charlie eats his downstairs) and I went upstairs. I was laughing and I told boyfriend that Tom likes to sit in the bath in the morning after I have used it! It is quite normal for him. Boyfriend said he got the shock of his life when he went in there and he saw this brown fuzzy shape moving out of the corner of his eye and turned round and saw Tom sitting in the bath! He had closed the bathroom door and Tom was looking at the closed door and looking panicky. Ragdolls don’t like closed doors. Boyfriend said he opened the door and let Tom out the bathroom and continued on doing what he went in there for in the first place! I teased him that he was too shy to pee in front of a cat! I am so used to the boys watching me in the bathroom, I forget that guests in my house are not expecting a cat to watch them on the toilet! 

Me and boyfriend then took the boys outside in the garden. After about 10 minutes outside we noticed some sick in the catio! I think it was Charlie who threw up as later on, he was crying for more breakfast at about 9AM so I think it was because he threw up his first breakfast! It was probably from running around and getting overexcited. So I had to clean that up as the other boys went sniffing it which is gross! The rest of the time the boys enjoyed themselves running and chasing each other and bird watching. Boyfriend appreciates how watchful you need to be when you take the boys outside as there were a few times where one of them would be looking up at the fence and eyeing up a bird on the roof or something and you just know they are thinking about how they can get over the fence! 

All in all it was a good weekend for me, the boys and boyfriend and lots of fun. Hopefully we will have another theme night soon.