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My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Three
16 September 2024 Blog Post 240 Pigeon on the Catio Roof
Tom spent ages in the catio yesterday morning. He is such a naughty monkey. As soon as I say we are going in he jumps up onto the top shelf of the catio so I can’t pick him up. Jack also went into the catio and jumped on to the box. I relented and let them stay out there, with the door shut. I brought Leo and Charlie in. They were not happy about it. I have tried to put them all in the catio together but it doesn’t work. Jack hates being close to Leo and Charlie and gets cross. Charlie wants to chase the pigeons so he scratches the catio door and gets his claws stuck in the wire. Anyway, so I let Jack and Tom stay in the catio. It was not long before the pigeons came down and then Sammy the squirrel. Jack managed to scare Sammy off as he was meowing and jumped up onto the lower shelf and Sammy heard so he scuttled off. I then went out and got Jack in. Tom was having none of it so I reluctantly left him in there. I went out for a bit to sit with him in the catio and watch the pigeons. Another squirrel came along from the other corner of the garden and was foraging on the ground. Tom was very excited watching him. I think he smelt us though, as it was not long before the squirrel ran under the fence to next door’s garden. I got fed up and tried to get Tom to come in but at that moment a pigeon landed on the catio roof! Tom jumped up to the top shelf and was scratching madly at the roof trying to get to the pigeon which then promptly flew off. Tom would not come down after that as he was convinced there still was a pigeon on the roof so he was prowling up and down waiting for it. I went in again as the other boys were all watching from the patio door waiting for us. I then did a few jobs and then had a sit down. It took ages for Tom to eventually come down from the shelf. He was out there for about an hour. Thankfully he jumped down onto the box and was looking at me so I figured time to go in. I went out and managed to pick him up as he jumped down onto the lower shelf. I think he was ready to go in and he straight away was eating some biscuits and then did a big poo! I need to leave early for work tomorrow so he better not mess about tomorrow and come in when I tell him too!