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My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Three
27th Jan Blog Post 275 Poor Boyfriend
I had to have a surgical procedure this week involving general anaesthetic so I needed help from boyfriend to take me and fetch me home and then stay the night to check on me.
Thankfully it all went well and was home by lunchtime, so at least I wasn’t away from the boys for too long. When I had a nap in the afternoon they all came and sat on me! Hurt a bit but it was comforting. In the evening me and boyfriend watched a film and again, the boys were a bit bonkers and running around and going up and down the stairs. At bedtime I went to my bed and boyfriend went to sleep in the spare bedroom. We hoped that we would both get more sleep as when we are together we are a bit restless and wriggly in bed, disturbing each other. (I did miss cuddling up to boyfriend though.) I slept like a baby until Charlie woke me at 4am by scratching my hand which bled everywhere as he managed to claw one of the veins in my hand. He scratched my shoulder as well somehow. I was a bit cross! Leo and Jack were still on the bed watching me. Later on after taking the boys out for a wet walk in the garden, boyfriend got up and came downstairs to see me. I had hoped he would have a good night’s sleep but unfortunately not. He said all night the boys were jumping on and off the bed and scratching at the sides. At one point he had Charlie curled up on his chest. He said it was cute but uncomfortable! Tom had visited too and lay next to him. Leo jumped on and off the bed and even Jack came up for a while. I couldn’t believe that they had been doing that all night! They are normally good sleepers and I did not expect them to torture boyfriend so much, lol. I apologised to him for his crap night! Think it might be better if we all stay in one bed next time!