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My Ragdoll Cat Adnvetures Part Three
18th March Blog Post 194 Cooking Dangers
I was cooking on Friday and Sunday (I batch cook my meals for the week) and Leo and Charlie were driving me nuts. I am not sure why they get so upset when I am cooking. Probably because they can’t see what I am doing on the stove and they always want to get involved in what I am doing! They were around my legs and meowing at me and pestering me and looking up towards to the cooker as I was stirring the pans. I was wearing a skirt and tights on Friday and Charlie kept digging his claws into my leg and nearly ripping my tights. It made me stressed as I had two pans on the go and was trying to concentrate on what I was doing and at the same time trying not to trip over the cats and knock a hot pan on the floor etc. Then Leo and Charlie jumped on to the work top and were prowling closer and closer to the stove. I was trying to keep them away from the hot pans and the flames! I did get really mad and shout at Charlie to get out of the way and he jumped on the windowsill instead and was watching from there. I eventually picked him up (he squealed) and then put him on the floor. I did finally get to complete my cooking and safely got it into tubs and into the freezer (when they were cooled down) and tidied up. I played with them afterwards as I felt bad for shouting at them. They still have their play den that I set up in the kitchen for them with the big sheet of paper and the box to hide in so we had fun with that again.
They are always so curious with what I am doing and curiosity can be dangerous sometimes!