If you love Ragdolls you have come to the right place!
My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Blog Post 1
Jack and Tom
Blog Post 1 The Beginning
23rd March 2022
It feels like a long time ago now but I have had my Ragdoll cats for almost two years (it is their 2 year birthday on 15th April.) Jack and Tom do not know it yet but their birthday present will be two 13 week old Ragdoll boys called Charlie and Leo (check out their pictures on my website.)
I have always been a cat person. I do like dogs, as well. I pretty much like all animals but the cat is my favourite. They always seem so self-assured and satisfied with life. That slight aloofness they have where it seems like they think they know better than you and they are secretly judging you. Their sleek bodies, nimble feet and soft furry coats that you love to stroke. Although cats are not normally ones for being picked up and cuddled, if you do you have the privilege of being able to do this it is a lovely feeling feeling their warm bodies in your arms. Of course, it may end in a few scratches if they decide enough is enough and make a quick exit.
We always had cats growing up. The longest lasting was a ginger tom called Pippin who was mostly an outdoor cat that loved to hunt and bring back presents for us (the partially eaten rabbit was a particular horrific memory I have.) He was very shy but he liked me and would often cuddle with me.
Then later on in life when I had my own home I got my next cat Portia a black and white female who was a dinky little thing who was a bit a diva. She lived for 16 years and after she passed away a few years ago I told myself I would not get any more pets as I was very sad about losing her.
However, things change and you move on. I had another change of circumstances and location, I felt ready to get another cat. I had always thought about getting a pedigree and a specific breed that would suit me. I know some people may sniff at that and say I should have got another rescue cat, but we are all different. Ragdolls appealed to me immediately as they looked so beautiful and when I studied up and found they are docile, placid, loving and loyal I thought that is the breed for me.
So after a lot of waiting and searching I found a breeder not far from me who was super. Very knowledgeable and helpful. I purchased my boys and they arrived on 11th July 2020. I have not looked back since and it has been a wonderful adventure with them so far.