My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Three

28th June Blog 220 Hot and Sweaty

Been very warm this week, our first summer heat wave. I know I shouldn’t complain but I will. It’s a bit too warm! I have a very narrow range of temperatures I am comfortable in and this is too high for me. I have had my little mini air conditioners going in the kitchen and the lounge. They do seem to help to cool things down a bit. The boys were interested in them at first especially when I was pouring water into them as they love watching that. Jack has been lying in front of the one I put on the work top so guess he likes the cool air. The others were a bit suspicious of them. Leo took an interest in the one in the lounge and has been poking at it with his paws. I know what he is trying to do, he wants to knock it over and spill the water everywhere as he did that last summer! It has a handle on it and I have tied it to the bottom pole of the cat tree to try and stop him from knocking it over. He knocked the empty water jug I was using to fill them up onto the floor this morning. Thankfully it was empty at the time. He just loves to put his head and his paws in things! I have been on squirrel/bird watch every morning this week on our walks. Leo keeps going back to the fence where he saw the squirrel in the corner of the garden. I am keeping him on a short lead and I watch out for squirrels constantly. I have seen them a couple of times a few fences away, at about 5-6AM when we are in the garden. On Wednesday, I managed to keep them away after three attempts to get to the feeders in my garden. I was standing next to the fence watching and I saw Sammy’s busy tail on the fence about two gardens away and I knew he wanted to get to my garden so I banged on the fence and waved. I managed to stop him. Then 20 minutes later he was back again (or it was another one) and I had to bang the fence a few times to scare him off. Felt bad as I like the squirrels but I cannot cope with anymore of Leo leaping up the fence! They are certainly persistent creatures as Sammy tried a third time to get down the fences to mine and I waved at him again. Then the pigeons were all gathering on the roof watching and waiting for us to go in so they could swoop down and eat the nuts. I got fed up and brought the boys in after an hour. These morning walks are really hard work now! (And I spending a fortune on peanuts!) I did see Sammy come back later to get his nuts when we had gone in. I am hoping I can train Sammy to get his nuts either before 5AM or after 6.30AM when we have come in.