My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Three

22 Nov 2024 Blog Post 259 It’s Definitely Winter Now

The weather has turned very cold this week. Ice and even snow (well, a little bit anyway.) Me and the boys have still been having our morning walks but it’s not as fun now it is so cold. Although I don’t think the cold bothers the boys as much as me. With all that fur keeping them warm they can withstand the freezing temperature. I don’t think they like the cold ground on their paws though. They walk on tip toes over the icy ground and when it had snowed a few days ago, they were walking very carefully over it! It was cute to watch. Leo has been running around like a crazy thing and chasing Charlie and Jack, but then after about half an hour he goes inside, his paws are probably getting too cold! Charlie stays out the longest, nothing seems to bother him. I put my two garden chairs out in the middle of the garden, originally so I could sit and watch them, but now they tend to sit on them instead! Wherever there is a chair they sit on it! The pigeons have just about gone but they still visit in the early morning just to have a look in case there is anything. They are so stupid. There is definitely not as many as there were before so hopefully they are moving on. It’s the magpies that are eating the monkey nuts at the moment. There is a gang of about 6 magpies that take it in turns to swipe the nuts from the feeders. Sammy the squirrel has competition! The stupid pigeons hang around underneath hoping there will be a dropped nut they can have. At least they boys still have something to watch from the patio doors and I enjoy watching the wildlife in my garden. (Just don’t want hordes of pigeons anymore!) I haven’t seen that Bengal cat all week either. Maybe it’s not wanting to go out in the cold!