My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Three

9th Dec 2024 Blog Post 263 How Many Ragdolls Can You Fit in a Bath?

Now Jack is joining in with the bath bubble game that I play with Tom and Leo. Unfortunately, there is not much space for all three of them in the bath! I noticed last week that when I leave the tap running for a while for Tom and Leo to watch, Jack now jumps in the bath too when he sees the tap on. Tom then jumps out as he does not want to share his water fun with anyone else (except Leo) lol. Today, I went upstairs to put the washing on the clothes horse on the landing and I turned the tap as usual to let Tom watch the running water. After I had finished, I went into the bathroom to play the bubble game (where I fill the bath up with a little bit of water so its touches their paws, and then put my hand in the water and splash it about to make bubbles for them that they love to watch. As soon as I started playing it with Tom, Leo jumps in and joins in. They look so cute when they are staring at the little bubbles I make in the water. Today though, Jack wanted to play too so he carefully climbed into the bath tab and tried to squeeze between Tom and Leo. Tom got annoyed, grumbled and then jumped out. Leo stayed in the bath so I played the splashy bubble game with those two. Sometimes Charlie looks like he wants to join in too, as he comes into the bathroom and puts his paws on the side of the bath peering inside. I think he is too scared to jump into the bath though. It’s a shame my bath is not big enough to fit all of them in! There would be less squabbling and jealousy! (By the way I only have showers now seeing as there is always a Ragdoll cat in the bath when I go upstairs to get washed and change!)