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My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Three
10th Jan 2025 Blog Post 271 Work and Cuddles
My week has gone okay, mostly working from home trying to catch up on work as I have got really behind with being off sick. The boys have been all around me pestering me as usual. When I make phone calls they meow and paw at me, especially Charlie. Charlie will often climb into my lap now and insist on a cuddle despite the fact I am trying to work! When I had a Teams meeting, Tom started crying in the kitchen as he was wanting fuss and attention. I had to mute Teams and then tell him to be quiet. Eventually he came over and was pawing at me so I picked him up and gave him a cuddle while still doing the meeting. The others in the meeting did not seem to notice I was sitting there with a big fluffy cat on my lap!
It’s been very cold in the mornings and the boys have not been keen on going out. Charlie always does though as he just loves to run around the garden. Jack and Leo go out briefly but then decide it’s too cold and Tom does not go out at all! He is sensible.
Jack has taken to hogging the bathtub when we play the bubble game. This morning poor Tom had to wait until Leo and Jack had got bored and jumped out so he could get a chance to sit in the bath and watch the water. Jack is the boss though so there is no arguing with him!