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My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two
13th Oct 2023 Blog Post 154 Jack Has a Bad Day
Poor Jack has been poorly again on Wednesday this week. He had his runny bum episodes again. I think it is still worms. Probably because I did not give him enough of the wormer treatment last time (stupid mummy did not check the dosage instructions and because he is a big cat he needs more, duh!) I also gave him some of that probiotic paste I got from the vet and fingers crossed today he is a lot better. I felt so stressed yesterday though and I was stressing him out. He just will not take his medicine when I try and give it to him. It is a syringe that you squeeze into his mouth (there is no point in putting it in his food as he won’t eat it!) He was struggling so much and I ended up getting some of it the wall and the floor. It is expensive stuff as well! Then when he has his runny poo episodes I was trying to wipe his bum with baby wipes as it was all stuck in his fur bless him. He hated that and he kept running away and crying. It was horrible. Thankfully he seems back to his usual self today and I have apologised to him profusely and given him lots of cuddles. I think he still loves me! If he has this problem again I think it will have to be a vet visit although I hope not (that is expensive too!) The other boys were watching me with great interest yesterday when I was running around the house chasing Jack with baby wipes and a syringe of worming paste in my hand. It was quite sweet though as they were obviously worried about him and they stayed close to him and Leo and Charlie were licking his head. It is nice to see the love they have for each other. Today is Friday 13th. I am not superstitious as a rule but I really hope nothing bad happens today!