My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two

20th Oct 2023 Blog post 156 Bonkers Week

The boys have been driving me bonkers this week. It has been a busy working week and I have been out quite a bit and also trying to do lots of admin at home on my work laptop. Every morning when I sit down to get some work done, they all start fussing around me. Tom paws at me as he wants to be picked up for a cuddle. When I brush my hair and tie it back he jumps on the table as he wants to play with my hairband. Charlie and Leo tear around the house after their walk outside in the morning and sound like a herd of elephants. Charlie jumps on to the table periodically and distracts me. He paws at my hand when I am trying to type or he tries to lie on top of the keyboard. Or he is starting fights with Jack or Leo. Jack jumps on to the work top and yowls for no reason and then has a fight with Tom. Leo jumps on work top and starts jumping in the sink as he wants me to turn the tap on so he can drink from it. I was getting very irritable with them this morning and had to count to ten or else I was going to yell at them. I know they are cats (and act like naughty children) so I need to be patient but sometimes I just want to yell at them to leave me alone! However, I do love them and I would regret it. I just need to have patience and I know when I am less busy I will play with them more and wear them out hopefully.