My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two

29th July Blog Post 31 Leo

Their personalities and behaviours are so funny. Leo has his cute quirks. He is very playful and loves jumping and running around. His favourite toys are the feather danglers and anything he can chase and attack. I tried out the long wand feather dangler I bought from ‘Purrs in our Hearts’ and he loved it. I felt bad though as Jack wanted to play as well but Leo wouldn’t give him a chance! Also, I don’t know whether it was the heat (my house is hot at the moment because of the heat wave) but Leo pants like a dog when he gets excited. He makes that funny clicking sound as well which I mentioned before and now Charlie is starting to copy him. Later on, when they were snuggled up Leo was nuzzling up to Tom and then proceeded to try and suck on his nipples like he was his mum! It was a bit strange but I guess it is leftover behaviour from kitten-hood. Poor Tom though, I don’t think he knows what to make of it!