If you love Ragdolls you have come to the right place!
My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two
Blog Post 82 30th January 2023 Puzzles
Someone gave me a Ragdoll cat puzzle for Xmas. The picture is gorgeous with six little Ragdoll kittens. I am rubbish at puzzles though and then there is the added problem of where do I put it. If I start doing it on the dining room table the boys will just walk all over it, so that won’t work! It is lovely, though. Here is a pic of the puzzle completed (not by me of course, my friend had finished it and when I admired it he said I could have it!)
Ragdoll Puzzle – apologies it is the wrong up!
I caught Tom and Leo in the empty bath the other day. They looked so funny sat there side by side, looking at me wide-eyed. Also forgot to tell you last month, I did some spring cleaning and I cleared out the freezer of loads of old food that needed chucking Leo and Charlie decide they want to have a look, so when I took the drawers out they went inside. The cold did not seem to bother them! See the pic.