My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two

Blog Post 86 13 February 2023  Picky Eater Syndrome 

Charlie is getting picky now! From being such as greedy pig I now have to encourage him to eat sometimes depending on what it is. I must admit I have been fiddling around with their food and bought some cheaper brands to save money but it is still the same stuff they like fish in jelly. They seem to prefer whiskas and wilkos at the moment but Charlie can be such a pain. One day he wolfs it down and the next, he picks at it. I think it depends on how chunky or flaky it is as he seems to like licking the flakes and jelly but if it is big chunks he won’t eat it. I will persevere though and find the brands he likes the best as I love my little cheeky chunky monkey.   

Charlie legs in the air