My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two

27th Ferbuary 2023 Blog post 90 The Printer

Got a printer, and I put it on the dining room table where my laptop is. The first time I used it the boys were fascinated. They jumped up on the table and were watching it and when the paper pops out the bottom they jump back in amazement! (see video of Leo.) So funny. Jack and Leo are particularly taken with it. Jack keeps staring at it, waiting for it to print again! 

The Rabbitgoo harness slipped off Leo again this week so now we have retired that one and using the velcro one instead although it’s a bit rubbish as it gets caught in his fur so will have a look at another one for him. 

They enjoyed jumping in the boxes that I have been collecting for books to donate/sell. 

When the boxes were all packed and taped down, they had fun climbing up and down them like a cat obstacle course 

Charlie is getting more teenager-like and shouts at me when he wants things now, usually attention, play, cuddles or food! He is little sod sometimes as well as he picks fights with the others when he is in a mischievous mood. Leo does too. He went and sat on Tom’s face the other day just to annoy him and start a squabble. Then he chases poor Jack when he is trying to use the tray, and I am sure he just wanted some privacy! Naughty boy! 

Leo on the printer