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My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two
24 March 2023 Blog Post 97 Jack is King
Jack is the king of the kitchen worktop now. He strolls along it and sniffs everything and then either sits by the sink staring into it or (even more annoying) he scratches at the cupboard doors and yowls at me. He wants me to open them, but I say no, I am not playing that game again. It is so funny that he basically has copied Charlie and Leo. He does not want to be left out. He even strolls up and down, looking at the food dishes now when I am dishing up dinner as Charlie does. It isn’t because he is that bothered about the food, as he doesn’t eat a lot anyway, but he just likes to be involved and not have Charlie be the one who is the king of the worktop. The dynamics of the group have definitely changed now Charlie and Leo are older. This is more of a fight for leadership and fighting for my attention. At least they do all get on, for the most part, just some occasional squabbling. Leo, Charlie, and Tom are very close and often sleep together and lick each other. Jack is less so, but he does sometimes lick Charlie and Leo, so he does grudgingly like them but not too much!