My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two

27th June Blog Post 22 Talking Cats

Leo and Charlie’s communication is interesting. The little meows I am used to by now, asking for food, play, cuddles or just to call out to me. Charlie has started chirruping now and we have a little chirrup conversation as I do with Jack. He also makes these little chirrup noises when he is playing with Leo. 

Leo makes little squeaks when he is playing and also I noticed he does this strange clicking sound when he is stalking a toy which I have not heard from my Ragdolls before. I think it is his trademark! I love listening to them though it is so fun. I know it isn’t a language exactly but I understand what they mean when they talk and I know they understand me, or at least my feelings. I have been having a go at making the clicking sound as well and he was started to respond to it now. I think I am turning them into parrots!