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My Ragoll Cat Adventures Part Two
14th July Blog Post 129 Leaping Leo
He was at again yesterday. On our walk, I take my eyes off them for a second and then I hear a bang and I catch a glimpse of Leo bouncing off the fence! I don’t know whether he was trying to catch a bug or escape, but he had decided to leap the fence not realising it is 6 feet and then bounced off it. I told him off but I doubt he took any notice. Then Charlie and Jack were staring at the wasps on the fence that were nibbling away at the wood. Thankfully the wasps did not fly low enough for them to swat at them and risk more stings! Then on Wednesday Leo managed to wee on the floor in the music room. I had just emptied out and cleaned their trays and refilled them. I was in the process of putting them back in the usual places. I think Leo was in a rush to relieve himself in the nice clean refilled tray and was not entirely positioned right in the tray (he tends to pee in the corners) and managed to miss it entirely and wee all over the floor! Bless him. I cleaned it up and moved the tray back to where it usually is and he was fine the rest of the day. My boys can be a bit clumsy sometimes. Hopefully no more mishaps this week.