Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part Two

Blog Post 9 13th May

Family Dynamics

I think there is a pecking order developing in my Ragdoll troops. Jack is the alpha and the leader of the pack. The others tend to follow him and listen to him when he yowls at me. Tom is the second in command, loyal and quiet but watchful. For example, when the kittens try to eat from the bigger boys’ bowls, Jack growls at them and they back away so then they go for Tom’s bowl and he tends to relent and let them have it! I think he just does not want the hassle. Then I think Leo is going to be like Jack so he is trying to move up to the second place. He has had a few fights with Jack (play-fighting of course) and Jack is still the more dominant. Until Leo gets bigger that is. Then little Charlie is the baby and tends to hide behind the other three. He is very quiet but has frantic little squeaky meows though when he is hungry and tries to climb up my leg to get to the food. 

They know though that I am in charge and what I say goes. They will push the boundaries I am sure but they know I am the provider and I will let them know if they have done wrong. Don’t worry though, I am very patient with them and very rarely get cross, and when I do I immediately regret it. For example, I was trying to fix my new phone the other day and messing about with cables and connections and Leo was jumping up at me to grab them and dug his claws into my thigh. I was in pain and really cross so I shouted at him to stop. He looked a bit scared and then slunk off upstairs. I felt really guilty so after I had sorted out the phone, I cuddled him and apologised. The good thing is they are very forgiving and with some cuddles and play it’s all forgotten. Next time I need to count to ten and regain my composure when they drive me nuts!