Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll Cat Adventures Part 2

Blog Post 5 The First Night and Second Day

The first night the babies slept down stairs and I went to my bed as usual and Tom came with me then Jack came up later and slept on the bed. I think Jack stayed downstairs playing with the kittens for a while! Then in the morning they were all there on the landing waiting for me.

The feeding sessions got easier but still a bit of a free-for-all. I have been using the Applaws tinned food (I still have a lot of it leftover from when Jack and Tom were eating it and then went off it) so I used that and put a little in each bowl so everybody had the same. It’s so funny to watch! The kittens just stick their heads into any bowl they like and try to eat everything. Jack and Tom managed to get a few bites in here and there. 

The big boys were ever so patient though and they never showed any aggression, just a bit of irritation. I was also amazed that Jack and Tom were happy to eat the Applaws food that they had stopped eating a year ago! I suspect it was probably because the babies were having it so they thought they would too. They also seem to be eating a lot more! Maybe they are all competing!

The rest of the day was playing and napping. Still some hissing and growling whenever they got close to Jack and Tom but no aggression. Jack and Tom were definitely curious and were constantly watching Leo and Charlie wondering what they were going to do next probably! Charlie and Leo definitely enjoy playing with Tom and Jack’s toys.

They are getting very attached to me now and on the second day they were following me around and jumping up to sit next to me while I worked. Charlie loves putting his face into mine and licking my nose. Leo is a bit more unpredictable and loves to nibble your fingers if he gets the chance.

I will savor these days of their kitten-hood as I know it won’t be long before they will be all grown up and bigger and fluffier.

Ragdoll Cats

My Ragdoll Cat Adventures Blog Part 2

15th April Charlie and Leo the beginning